Singing Soul Berlin – A Pop-up Singing Circle with Gal Klein
Genezareth Kirche, Berlin-Neukölln
We have some exciting news to share with you! Our amazing friend @gal.klein.muse is hosting a Pop-Up Singing Circle next Wednesday 24th July / 7 pm @genezarethkirche_startbahn in Berlin Neukölln. A wonderful chance to sing and be together in prayer during the summer break. Would love to feel your presence once more.
Spread the word & see you there! (Donation based)
And some more good news: A new series of seven weeks is starting in September! It will take place on Wednesday evenings, final dates coming soon
24th July 2024 at 7 pm // Entry donation based
Genezarethkirche, Herrfurthplatz 14, 12049 Berlin
Diese oder ähnliche Veranstaltungen finden regelmäßig statt, online oder vor Ort bei uns in der Genezareth-Kirche in Berlin Neukölln. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, was so bei Spirit & Soul Spannendes los ist, folge uns auf Instagram (@spiritandsoul.berlin) oder melde dich für unseren Newsletter an: